People can get involved in a number of ways including: joining a committee, participating in events, donating funds, helping to raise funds, signing up on the e-mail list, volunteering time, donating good or services, working on one of the programs, recruiting volunteers or just simply coming to visit the Nature Center to enjoy its peace, quiet and beauty.
Sunday Workdays
Our prairie restoration work days typically take place on Sunday mornings at 8:30am to 11:00am. We are out there year-round, with the only exceptions being rain or freezing weather.
Restoration Activities
- Weeding the butterfly garden and entrance
- Removing introduced species
- Planting new plants
- Watering
- Seed Scattering
- Cutting down woody encroachment
- And more!

Workday FAQs
Do I need to bring my own tools?
No, we have tools on hand, but if you have a trowel, soil knife, shovels, and so on, as we may have busier workdays with fewer tools to go around.
What do I need to wear?
We recommend pants, long-sleeved shirts with UPF protection, and close-toed shoes. There are chiggers, ticks, stinging insects, poison ivy, and all the other things you would encounter in a prairie. Work gloves are also HIGHLY recommended. We have some to borrow if you don’t have your own.
Is water provided?
While we typically have a large cooler for refilling bottles, you’ll need to bring your own bottle with you. You can also bring electrolytes to add to the water or a salty snack to help stay more hydrated.
Are children allowed to volunteer?
Of course! We do ask that they are able to follow directions such as staying out of certain areas in the nature center and that they are under supervision of parents at all times. You can also reach out via email ahead of time so we can make sure we have age appropriate tasks ready.
Can I bring a group to volunteer?
Absolutely! We work with clubs, church groups, companies, and scouts. Reach out if you have a large group that wants to help out!
Am I limited to only Sunday workdays?
That depends. For large groups, we can often arrange an alternate day or time for volunteering. For individuals, we can’t create single work days, unfortunately
Do I have to know about prairie restoration or be a master gardener?
Not at all! We’ll help you learn what plants are what, and how to do the work. All skill levels are welcome.
Other Ways to Help
There are other opportunities to help out at Twelve Hills Nature Center if restoration workdays aren’t for you.
- Donations
- We fundraise to pay for costs such as the water bill, equipment rental, seeds, education programming, and more. Donations are always welcome and go a long way to help us achieve our mission.
- Leading hikes or other educational events
- If you have a specialty regarding North Texas ecology, animals, blackland prairie, or even just want to help out as a second set of hands, please ask us about how to get involved with educational walks.
- Nature Leaders and other school events
- We work with local schools to teach kids about Blackland Prairie and help them get volunteer hours. If you have a background in education, we’d love to talk to you about joining our after school projects!
- Gifting Blackland Prairie plants to the nature center
- We do have a list of approved plants for the nature center, so reach out if you have prairie plants or seeds you’d like to donate.