We partnered with the talkSTEM nonprofit organization to develop a “STEM in nature“ walking tour for children, educators, families, and anyone interested in looking at our beautiful space through the lens of math, science, and STEM. You can take a walkSTEM tour, using the freely downloadable PDF content below as your guide. No background knowledge is necessary. All you need is your curiosity and a pair of walking shoes!
These guides were made possible thanks to National Science Foundation under DRL 2115393.
Coming soon: video guides for five math- focused stops at Twelve Hills Nature Center. View the extensive video collection that connects Math to real world places across Dallas by visiting gomathfinder.org and click on the “Our Videos” tab. You will see STEM connected to the eight other Learning Site Partners involved in this exciting and innovative project that shows how math is a broad and fascinating language that connects to nature, art, science, design, and more!
This walking tour consists of 10 stops. You may visit any number of stops that you like and you may visit the stops in any order you like. Each stop stands alone. Each stop has a key question as its focus. Some stops may require materials. *Two sets of tools are located in a plastic box inside the Nature Center, in the southeast corner along the gray fence. If your group requires more than two sets of tools, please contact us a few days in advance of your visit at twelvehillsnaturecenter@gmail.com. Bring a notebook or print and bring the notes section included below.