Join us from your home April 24-27 for the annual iNaturalist CNC.
Every year we invite the neighborhood out to Twelve Hills for a local BioBlitz. What’s a BioBlitz, you ask? It’s an annual competition held by iNaturalist for cities to get outside and document all their flora and fauna. This year, they’re holding no competition and encourage everyone to explore their own homes and backyards. Twelve Hills is encouraging the same!
How to Participate
1. Download the iNaturalist app to your smart phone.
2. Create an account
3. Start snapping photos of insects or other creatures using the cultivated plants in your backyard as habitat or a food source.
4. Share them on iNaturalist to help researches and officials track biodiversity in your area!
5. Log into the website to help other identify their findings!

For more information on this year’s CNC visit iNaturalist.org and learn how to participate safely from home! They’ve got tons of tips on how to attract moths, where you’ll find neat insects and more! Remember, every observation helps track species migrating, emerging, and can help us identify what invasives might be making their way into DFW.
Hopefully we’ll have our team set up for the next City Nature Challenge! Until then, keep enjoying Twelve Hills responsibly!