
North Texas Giving Day

By September 1, 2015Events, Uncategorized

Show your support for Twelve Hills on September 17!

northtexasgivingday-1426083434.923-square-logo2015-(mobile) 2Thursday, September 17, is North Texas Giving Day!  This online North Texas fundraising campaign takes place from 6 am to midnight September 17.  Each donation of $25 or more receives a bonus donation as well as a chance to win a cash prize, both provided by the Communities Foundation of Texas through their generous donors.

Help us make our match! Grand Bank of Texas Grand Bank of Texasis providing a 1:1 match on the first $1000 in donations to Twelve Hills.  Please thank our friends at Grand Bank for their generous support.

Unlike public parks, the all-volunteer-operated Twelve Hills Nature Center raises funds through donations to pay for landscaping and watering needs, educational programs and the administrative requirements of running a 501(c)3 nonprofit.   Please help take care of this unique neighborhood amenity by making a donation on North Texas Giving Day!

You can learn more about North Texas Giving Day as well as donate at northtexasgivingday.org.  There will be a donation link at  www.twelvehills.org and on our Facebook  page.